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Job opening for 3.5 to 5 years experienced Project Manager (PHP Projects) in Mohali. The candidate should be able to handle projects on PHP Platform. Responsible to manage team of TL, Developers, Business Analyst and Bidders. If candidate able to handle Mobile App Projects that will be a bonus. The salary offered is 35 to 50k PM.
We have opening for 3.5 to 4.5 years experienced Mobile Application Project Manager in Mohali. The candidate should be able to handle projects on Mobile Apps – android and ios both. Responsible to handle TL, Developers, Business Analyst and Bidder. If candidate able to handle PHP Projects that will be a bonus. The salary offered is 35 to 60k PM.
We have opening for web designer in Chandigarh. The candidate should have minimum experience of 6 months. The salary offered is up to 15k per month. The candidate should have good knowledge of Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS, JS. He should be expert in PSd to html5 / WordPress. This opening is for Chandigarh IT Company. Alternate Saturdays are off.