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Genuine Placement Consultancy in Pune

T&A HR Solutions is one of the prime Placement Consultancy in Pune. Ever since its inception, we as accompany have been evolving as a human resource service provider with an experienced and dedicated team taking care of end- to- end recruitment process of the candidates to hold prominent positions in the corporate. We cater to almost all the sectors including all spheres of Industrial, IT, Telecom, Media, Healthcare, FMCG, Real estate, Human Resource to name a few. At T&A Solutions, we understand the value of our client’s time and recruitment needs and thus be it a general requirement or any profile requiring any specific skills, our expects understands the details and headhunt for the most suitable candidates.

As one of the leading placement consultants in Pune, we understand the ever increasing industrial needs of this beautiful city and thus constantly keep ourselves updates on the latest industry trend to keep ahead of the rest. At T & A HR we make sure you get the best!

Placement Consultants in Pune

One of the many issues we face during our work is the lack of growth experienced in our careers. This lack of growth may be due to many reasons. The top reasons according to the Recruitment agency in Pune is the lack of opportunities for work, corporate culture, the unsuitable demands of the job bringing a person down.

 What is Placement Consultants in Pune as Growing City can offer?

Placement Consultants in Pune

Pune is a great option to look at according to most Placement Consultants. Pune is one city that has better prospects for job opportunities this year. It is the second best region for growth after Bangalore. The city of Pune has beaten the major metropolitan s of Mumbai, Chennai, and Delhi to the punch with its rate of job growth. A Manpower Recruitment consultancy state that this increase in opportunities is due to the increase in BPOs and KPOs in these cities.  A leading Recruitment agency suggests that if you are ready to take a risk, Pune has jobs that can be sensitive to loss of jobs but also an opportunity for fast-tracking your career growth. Therefore, if you are ambitious, confident and thirsty for growth, this is their perfect place to look for a high-powered employment.

Issues corporate environment Manpower Consultancy

Working for years together at the same job without promotions, new challenging work and learning experiences can be discouraging. This is one of the main issues, which job seekers face in the current corporate environment, according to a Manpower Consultancy. Several placement agencies in the city Pune, state that the reason for the low job satisfaction may well be the region or location that you are working at.

Some states have a budding market for new start-ups and companies mushrooming everywhere you look, whereas some other areas have become too saturated to have any substantial growth. Although there are still a lot of opportunities in most metropolitan cities, there is equally stiff competition for the jobs that are available, according to a Manpower Consultancy in city Pune.

A word of caution famous Manpower Consultancy

A word of caution before changing your city of employment as told by a famous Manpower Consultancy in the city Pune is that there are some cities that are known for being the worst cities to move to if you want growth. Kolkata, Baroda, and Lucknow are three of the worst cities rated for job growth. Moving on, to why Pune is a great area for job growth. The economic conditions according to many Placement Consultants is that the city is rapidly changing, with plans for rapid expansion and the entry into new unexplored markets. Pune is on an expedition of discovering untapped potential in the job market. The Placement Consultants in Pune has seen the massive increase in the markets that India is breaking into there is sure to be a need for expertise and support from various fields of work. This is stated as one of the major reasons for an increase in job opportunities in Pune, according to the Recruitment agency in Pune.

What statistics have to say about business growth Manpower Recruitment?

Not only are there many jobs in the current market, there is more to come according to many placement agencies. The statistics show a 70-90 % increase in businesses in Pune. According to a Manpower Recruitment consultancy, there is a high amount of growth in BPOs, IT service, automobile industry and in e-commerce.

With up to 6% growth in finance, 5 % growth in pharmaceuticals and healthcare, and 4 % growth in engineering, there is a huge range of opportunities to be exploited in the industry. This data was provided, by a Placement Consultant in city Pune.

Previous years there was a low demand for mid-level management and professionals, but now the demand for them is on the rise, says a Manpower Recruitment consultancy. Many job specifications require over 2 to 10 years of experience in the industry. With all these facts in hand, the advice placement agencies in Pune give to potential job seekers, is “Do not leave your current place of employment without getting confirmation on another job”.Consider all the pros and cons of jumping ship, right from the salary to the company culture, cost of living, commute, etc.

Manpower Consultancies – A Guide in the Terrain of Job Search

There exist plenty of jobs in the market with an equal number of job seekers. In addition, there also exists a huge gap between eligible candidates and jobs. This is more prevalent in major cities like Pune, where each day many aspirants land with the quest of getting a good job. The city has been treated as the hub of the companies and these companies are always in demand of resources. This is when recruitment agencies and different placement consultants in Pune come as an aid for candidates.

A guiding light Manpower Consultancy in Pune

Manpower Consultancy acts a coordinator between the employers and candidates. They help in bridging the gap in the job market. They help job seekers grab the perfect job, which suits their expectations and caliber. Different Placement Consultants in Pune not only help the job seekers land up in the right job but also lighten the task of employers by selecting eligible candidates on their behalf.

Filtering through the list The primary job of manpower consultancy is to gather data from agencies and get an overview of their requirement. This is followed by assembling information of job seekers from different portals as well as those have who applied directly with the placement agencies. The process of selection is carried on in an organized manner without haste. After matching each candidate’s profile with the said requirement, potential candidates are contacted by the agencies.

Placement Consultants in Pune carries on the initial stage of selection which includes telephonic interview, gaining an overview of the person’s expectation. They also carry on tests and only when they are convinced the candidate to be eligible for the post, arrangement for final rounds of an interview is done with the company. Placement Consultants Pune also briefs the candidate about the company and its profile before selection. In the run of lucrative jobs, Placement consultants help in meeting the expectations of employees as well as employers.